Saturday, April 10, 2021

Connect With Your Deck Tarot Card Spread

 Connect With Your Tarot Card Deck

Getting to know a new deck can be challenging, especially if you are a beginner. This spread is designed to help you develop an understanding of your deck and the insights it can bring to your life.


DRAW - 1-4 of Earth, 2-5 of Air, 3-Queen of Water4- 4 Patience, 5-13 Transformation 6-5 of Fire.

My strengths are building solid foundations and finding security as it relates to trusting in divine orders. This is the enemy of fear and designed for the highest good of all. 

I am not here to help you win in situations of tension and conflict but to show you how to use these situations as a way to see your own true intentions and motives. Even when others don't agree with you integrity during conflict remains more important than winning.

I'm here to teach you emotional security and self care as well as the values of compassion and generosity. I teach lessons of self healing and showing compassion in a way that inspires others. 

The message I give you is a reminder that patience will align you with your true purpose and that angels are looking out for you. Moderation in all things is something that you need to always work towards. 

My purpose in your life is to guide you through a time of change and transformation. Also to teach you to accept the cycles of life and allow these to happen naturally for the highest good, out with the old and in with the new. 

You can use me to help others in many ways, some creative brainstorming will give you ideas. Honour differences and stretch your imagination. Remember to be open to new ideas and concepts that arouse your curiousity. 

This reading was completed using The Good Tarot deck by Collette Baron-Reid. I recommend this deck for beginners and/or expert readers. A beautiful, positive guidance deck with earthy, magical illustrations that are sure to inspire. An easy to follow guidebook is included which is extremely helpful for beginners. 


Goodnight 5 Card Tarot Spread for End of the Day

 Goodnight, Bedtime 5 Card Tarot Spread

Saying goodnight to the events of the day is important so that you can relax and sleep well. This spread is designed to help you release the events of the day, reflect on lessons learned and prepare for restful sleep. It's also designed to give a quick tip for making sure tomorrow is a wonderful day!

1. WHAT DO I NEED TO LET GO OF FROM TODAY? Sometimes certain thought of events that have occured during the day can prevent you from sleeping well. Letting go of them is important.

2- HOW CAN I RELEASE IT? Letting go of daily events can be easy sometimes but other things are harder to release and you may need some guidance to do so.

3- WHAT SHOULD I FOCUS ON FROM THE DAY? - Focusing on the right things at the end of the day is important for a variety of reasons, there may be lessons you need to learn or things you should remember.

4. HOW CAN I MAKE SURE TOMORROW COUNTS? - Guidance to help you start tomorrow with the right attitude.

5. WHAT SHOULD I NOTICE IN MY DREAMS? - Many symbols and visions that appear in dreams give valuable insights, knowing what to look out for can help you remember your dreams better and pay attention to the right things.


DRAW - 1-2 of Earth, 2-6 of Air, 3-8 of Air4-King of Fire, 5-Page of Air.

You have been thinking a lot about how to create more balance in your life between work and play. This is important but you need to let this struggle go now so that you don't lie awake thinking about it. 

You are in a period of transition right now which is why this is on your mind. Release it by acknowledging that creating calm within yourself will lead to calmness outside of yourself as well. Because of past experiences you often expect that there will be trouble ahead but right now you need to trust that your steps will lead you to what you desire and you are sailing towards something better.

Focus on honesty, courage and most of all clarity. You are learning to see things clearly and let go of illusions that cloud your vision. This lesson is important. 

Do your best to inspire others and lead by example. Think about how you can become more confident in doing this and stay open minded so that you don't appear rigid and can embrace new ideas. 

Be on the lookout for innovative or new ideas, things that arouse your curiousity, exploring and anything that seems interesting. Pay attention to anything related to different and new ways of thinking or things that you can learn. 

This reading was completed using The Good Tarot deck by Collette Baron-Reid. I recommend this deck for beginners and/or expert readers. A beautiful, positive guidance deck with earthy, magical illustrations that are sure to inspire. An easy to follow guidebook is included which is extremely helpful for beginners. 


How To Deal With Someone Who Hurts You 5 Card Tarot Spread

 How To Deal With Someone Who Hurts You Tarot Card Spread

We have all dealt with people in our lives who are toxic or seem to cause us a lot of pain. This spread is designed to help you to understand the situation and to provide guidance about the best way to move forward. 

1. WHY ARE THEY TREATING ME THIS WAY? - Do they feel that you have wronged them in some way, is it something from their past that causes them to treat you this way or do they simply have a toxic or narcissitic attitude? Think about these things as you interpret this card.

2. WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO TELL ME? - This insight could be an interesting one that gives you an insight into what's really going on. People don't always say what they mean. 

3. WHY DO THEIR ACTIONS HURT ME SO MUCH? - Are their actions triggering something from your past, do their actions affect you badly because this person is someone you care about? There are many other reasons that could be the cause of your hurt and an insight into what these reasons here can help you understand your own pain. This can help you to figure out how to best move forward.

4.IS THIS RELATIONSHIP WORTH SAVING - Should you make an effort or is the best course of action to simply cut this person out of your life?

5. HOW CAN I BEST MOVE FORWARD - How can you over come the hurt that has been caused to you by this persons actions and how can you move forward from this in general?


DRAW - 1-10 of Water, 2-King of Fire, 3-Moon, 4-9 of Earth, 5-Tower.

This person is much more concerned with their own well being and celebrating their own achievements then they are with how they affect others. They feel happy with where they are at and have made a concerted effort to get there. They don't feel as if they have treated you badly and in fact feel peaceful and serene, taking pleasure in all that they feel they have accomplished. Your feelings were never on their radar, they simply act in ways that they feel will benefit them the most.

This person is trying to tell you that they believe they are more poweful than you are and that they believe they are someone who should teach you and lead you so that you become more like them.

You are often deeply hurt by this person because your view of them is based on your illusions not on reality. Your denial of the truth means that you do not see who they really are so it is a shock when they do things that hurt you.

It is important that you focus on becoming more self reliant so that you can build security for yourself and not rely on this person or others. You have the tools and the ability to do this and may have begun doing this a long time ago. Focus on a plan and work towards building your own strong foundation, trusting that it is for the best and will work out.

Things will happen very quickly for you and there may be a sudden upheaval in your life as you move forward. This will make way for better things. Remain in the present and keep your eyes open wide so that you are not misled by illusions once again. Unexpected events will bring a potive transformation for you as well as some surprising and interesting opportunities.

This reading was completed using The Good Tarot deck by Collette Baron-Reid. I recommend this deck for beginners and/or expert readers. A beautiful, positive guidance deck with earthy, magical illustrations that are sure to inspire. An easy to follow guidebook is included which is extremely helpful for beginners. 


Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Month Ahead Six Card Tarot Spread

 Monthly Tarot Card Spread

This is a go to tarot spread to use at the beginning of the month for a quick overview of the month ahead. 

1. PAST - Reflect on the previous month and consider your thoughts and feelings in relation to the card.

2. FUTURE - What do you have to look forward to in the month ahead?

3. FOCUS- What should you focus on this month?

4. AVOID - What should you avoid this month?

5. LOVE - What can you expect from your love life this month?

6. THEME - What will the overall theme or lesson for this month involve? 


DRAW - 1-Tower, 2-2 of Water, 3-Page of Water, 4-Six of Water, 5-4 of Water, 6-8 of Water.

Things happened very quickly last month, there may have been some upheavals but they made way for new things. Unexpected events provided opportunities for positive transformations. 

The month ahead will bring closeness to someone that you share a heart connection with and you will bring out the best in each other. Together you will enjoy a supportive environment where you will replenish and be there for each other. 

Focus on being open-hearted, optomistic and playful this month when it comes to intimate relationships. 

Avoid dwelling on nostalgic or traumatic past experiences as this can prevent you from fully enjoying and understanding what is happening in the present. 

You may experience a lull at times when it comes to your love life this month but you should feel secure in the knowledge that better things are on the horizon. Remember that love takes many forms and don't become focussed on sadness or dissappointment. 

The theme for this month involves a journey of discovery and search for authenticity. You will seek deeper meanings and will look beyond the superficial. Be true to heart and ponder the past but don't let past upsets get in the way of your search for authenticity. Conciously choose your path instead of simply going in directions that you are drawn to in the moment.

This reading was completed using The Good Tarot deck by Collette Baron-Reid. I recommend this deck for beginners and/or expert readers. A beautiful, positive guidance deck with earthy, magical illustrations that are sure to inspire. An easy to follow guidebook is included which is extremely helpful for beginners. 

