Serenity Tarot
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Connect With Your Deck Tarot Card Spread
Goodnight 5 Card Tarot Spread for End of the Day
Goodnight, Bedtime 5 Card Tarot Spread
How To Deal With Someone Who Hurts You 5 Card Tarot Spread
How To Deal With Someone Who Hurts You Tarot Card Spread
We have all dealt with people in our lives who are toxic or seem to cause us a lot of pain. This spread is designed to help you to understand the situation and to provide guidance about the best way to move forward.
1. WHY ARE THEY TREATING ME THIS WAY? - Do they feel that you have wronged them in some way, is it something from their past that causes them to treat you this way or do they simply have a toxic or narcissitic attitude? Think about these things as you interpret this card.
2. WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO TELL ME? - This insight could be an interesting one that gives you an insight into what's really going on. People don't always say what they mean.
3. WHY DO THEIR ACTIONS HURT ME SO MUCH? - Are their actions triggering something from your past, do their actions affect you badly because this person is someone you care about? There are many other reasons that could be the cause of your hurt and an insight into what these reasons here can help you understand your own pain. This can help you to figure out how to best move forward.
4.IS THIS RELATIONSHIP WORTH SAVING - Should you make an effort or is the best course of action to simply cut this person out of your life?
5. HOW CAN I BEST MOVE FORWARD - How can you over come the hurt that has been caused to you by this persons actions and how can you move forward from this in general?
Sunday, April 4, 2021
The Month Ahead Six Card Tarot Spread
Monthly Tarot Card Spread
This is a go to tarot spread to use at the beginning of the month for a quick overview of the month ahead.
1. PAST - Reflect on the previous month and consider your thoughts and feelings in relation to the card.
2. FUTURE - What do you have to look forward to in the month ahead?
3. FOCUS- What should you focus on this month?
4. AVOID - What should you avoid this month?
5. LOVE - What can you expect from your love life this month?
6. THEME - What will the overall theme or lesson for this month involve?