Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Month Ahead Six Card Tarot Spread

 Monthly Tarot Card Spread

This is a go to tarot spread to use at the beginning of the month for a quick overview of the month ahead. 

1. PAST - Reflect on the previous month and consider your thoughts and feelings in relation to the card.

2. FUTURE - What do you have to look forward to in the month ahead?

3. FOCUS- What should you focus on this month?

4. AVOID - What should you avoid this month?

5. LOVE - What can you expect from your love life this month?

6. THEME - What will the overall theme or lesson for this month involve? 


DRAW - 1-Tower, 2-2 of Water, 3-Page of Water, 4-Six of Water, 5-4 of Water, 6-8 of Water.

Things happened very quickly last month, there may have been some upheavals but they made way for new things. Unexpected events provided opportunities for positive transformations. 

The month ahead will bring closeness to someone that you share a heart connection with and you will bring out the best in each other. Together you will enjoy a supportive environment where you will replenish and be there for each other. 

Focus on being open-hearted, optomistic and playful this month when it comes to intimate relationships. 

Avoid dwelling on nostalgic or traumatic past experiences as this can prevent you from fully enjoying and understanding what is happening in the present. 

You may experience a lull at times when it comes to your love life this month but you should feel secure in the knowledge that better things are on the horizon. Remember that love takes many forms and don't become focussed on sadness or dissappointment. 

The theme for this month involves a journey of discovery and search for authenticity. You will seek deeper meanings and will look beyond the superficial. Be true to heart and ponder the past but don't let past upsets get in the way of your search for authenticity. Conciously choose your path instead of simply going in directions that you are drawn to in the moment.

This reading was completed using The Good Tarot deck by Collette Baron-Reid. I recommend this deck for beginners and/or expert readers. A beautiful, positive guidance deck with earthy, magical illustrations that are sure to inspire. An easy to follow guidebook is included which is extremely helpful for beginners. 

