Saturday, April 10, 2021

Connect With Your Deck Tarot Card Spread

 Connect With Your Tarot Card Deck

Getting to know a new deck can be challenging, especially if you are a beginner. This spread is designed to help you develop an understanding of your deck and the insights it can bring to your life.


DRAW - 1-4 of Earth, 2-5 of Air, 3-Queen of Water4- 4 Patience, 5-13 Transformation 6-5 of Fire.

My strengths are building solid foundations and finding security as it relates to trusting in divine orders. This is the enemy of fear and designed for the highest good of all. 

I am not here to help you win in situations of tension and conflict but to show you how to use these situations as a way to see your own true intentions and motives. Even when others don't agree with you integrity during conflict remains more important than winning.

I'm here to teach you emotional security and self care as well as the values of compassion and generosity. I teach lessons of self healing and showing compassion in a way that inspires others. 

The message I give you is a reminder that patience will align you with your true purpose and that angels are looking out for you. Moderation in all things is something that you need to always work towards. 

My purpose in your life is to guide you through a time of change and transformation. Also to teach you to accept the cycles of life and allow these to happen naturally for the highest good, out with the old and in with the new. 

You can use me to help others in many ways, some creative brainstorming will give you ideas. Honour differences and stretch your imagination. Remember to be open to new ideas and concepts that arouse your curiousity. 

This reading was completed using The Good Tarot deck by Collette Baron-Reid. I recommend this deck for beginners and/or expert readers. A beautiful, positive guidance deck with earthy, magical illustrations that are sure to inspire. An easy to follow guidebook is included which is extremely helpful for beginners. 


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